
What To Put On Ochem Cheat Sheet

Summary Cheat Sheet Written report Guides for Organic Chemistry 1 and 2

Detailed Cute Powerful

Organic Chemistry ane and 2

I have been teaching Organic Chemical science for years and I know how overwhelming the textile can get week subsequently week and accumulate into a huge pile of headache source together with all the other classes during the exams' calendar week. I in one case was an undergrad going through this as well, and worse – ended up taking advanced organic synthesis (information technology was actually my favorite class) every bit a graduate student and that's where I truly appreciated having the terminal set of a few summary pages to become over merely earlier the test. Don't become this concept wrong, you lot need to heed to your professor, take good notes and report by yourself. Simply having a final "then what, and which 1" should I know out of all of these helps tremendously to focus, save time and get a higher form .

I am currently a full-fourth dimension faculty at South Texas College and you may wonder how I have managed to teach and put together these "cheat canvass" summary guides (hey, they have fourth dimension, every single section of these guides took me hours of work to put equally much equally needed but not more than that so you lot won't accept to spend those hours to notice the reagents necessary for carrying out functional group transformation or figuring out all the structural details in Organic i). My answer is considering I like it for myself and I bask doing it when I get a trivial break from teaching.

In this set of summary sheets, you volition find the material covered in Org 1 and Org 2 courses including Resonance, Acids and Bases, Stereochemistry, Reactions of Alkenes, Alkynes, Alcohols, Aromatic compounds, a uncomplicated diagram that volition finally reply the question of SN1, SN2, E1 or E2 and more than. At that place is also a summary guide of a practical arroyo to solving IR problems with a worked example following 3 important steps. These summary sheets are comprehensive and embrace near of what is taught for that topic in undergraduate organic chemistry courses.

Organic chemistry summary sheets will besides assist y'all prepare for MCAT, PCAT, DAT, ACS , and other tests.

What is Included in Each Fix?

Organic Chemistry 1 Study Guides Include

one. Lewis Structures, Resonance Structures, and Formal Charges

Post-obit a few steps to draw Lewis structures, Formal Charges, and a table to quickly identify them, Resonance Structures, Resonance hybrid, Curved Arrows and the rules for drawing resonance Structures, a Complete Guide for Assessing the Relative Importance of Resonance Structures because all the factors for stability of cations and anions.

2. Geometry and Hybridization

A shortcut to Predicting Electron and Molecular Geometry (VSEPR Theory) accompanied with a nautical chart forall the possibilities geometries in Organic Chemistry. Hybridization and Hybrid Orbitals: sympathize the bail types and angles besides as ashortcut to rapidly determine the sp3, sp2, and sp hybridization.

3. Functional Groups

This is going to be the organic chemical science alphabet. The sooner you lot acquire to recognize alcohols, amines, alkenes, aromatic compounds, aldehydes, ketones, esters, and some others, the easier starting organic chemical science volition be. This is a 2-page summary of the most common organic functional groups with examples and their application.

4. Molecular Representations (Converting between Bond-line, Lewis and Condensed structures)

One of the foundations and a key transition from General to Organic Chemical science is the deep insight of molecular structures and learning the concept of Bond-Lile (Zig-Zag representation). Here is the much-needed to-the-point summary linking the Bond-line, Lewis and Condensed structures!

five. Bond Characteristics-Types, Length, Forcefulness, and Dipole Moment

This certificate summarizes the types of chemical bonds and their properties such equally length, strength, polarity, dipole moment, partial charges, and molecular polarity. A shortcut to determining whether an ionic, nonpolar, or polar covalent bail is formed, how the dipole moments are characterized, how to determine if the molecule is polar overall, how to decide the stronger bond depending on the atomic size and hybridization!

6. Intermolecular Interactions and Physical Properties

This ii-page guide volition be a handy summary of the intermolecular interactions such as ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds, dipole-dipole interactions, London dispersion forces, their relative forcefulness, and their relation to the boiling and melting points. The specific examples on page 2 volition give you a pattern for determining the compound with a higher boiling or melting bespeak.

7. Acids and Bases

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to state that you tin't principal Organic Chemistry without a good understanding of Acrid-Base Chemistry.

This summary guide will give all yous need to know in this essential chapter: Overview of Acids and Bases – Arrhenius, Brønsted, and Lewis acrid-base of operations definitions, Acid Force and the concept of pKa, What makes a Strong Acid and a Base – all the factors discussed in their priority; atoms, charges, resonance, induction, orbitals, aromaticity. The Position of Equilibrium for an Acid-Base Reaction, Choosing an Acid or a Base to protonate and deprotonate a compound, the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation

viii. An Introduction to Nomenclature and IUPAC Rules

This written report guide summarizes the names of alkanes and alkyl groups such as butyl, iso-butyl, tert-butyl, and their use in the IUPAC rules for systematic classification.

A walkthrough of finding the substituents, the parent chain with possible complications is designed to ready a good foundation for the naming strategies that are used throughout the chapters of Organic 1 and 2.

9. Conformations of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes

Conformations,  conformers, and conformational isomers, Newman projections, Staggered and Eclipsed conformations, Torsional and Steric strain, Conformations of Cycloalkanes, the Chair conformation, Ring-Flip, Calculating the free energy of a Chair conformation.

ten. Stereochemistry and Chirality

Isomerism, Ramble and Stereoisomers,Enantiomers and Diastereomers, Chirality, Absolute configuration by theRandSsystem,RandDue southin theFischer project,Optical Activity, Symmetry and chirality,Meso compounds, R and S configuration of Fischer projections, and an extremely handy graphical summary of converting between Bond-line, Newman, and Fischer projections.

11. Nucleophilic Commutation – S N 1 an S Due north ii

An overview of Substitution Reactions, identifying the nucleophile,electrophile and theleaving group. TheSN2 Machinery, TheSouthwardN1 Mechanism, kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of both mechanisms, Reactivity of Substrates (alkyl halides) in SNii and SouthNane Reactions, anterior effect, andhyperconjugation. What Makes aSkillful Nucleophile? The Part of theSolvent On Nucleophilicity. What Makes aExpert Leaving Group?

12. Emptying Reactions – E1 and E2

General Features of Emptying Reactions, The E2 and E1 Machinerys, theRegioselectivity of E2 and E1 Reactions,Stereoselectivity of E2 and E1

Reactions, Stereospecificity of E2 Reactions, E2 Reactions of Cyclohexanes, the kinetics and Reactivity of Substrates in E2 and E1 Reactions,Rearrangements in E1 and SouthwardNi Reactions, Elimination Reactions of Alcohols,How to Know if the Reaction is E1 or E2, The E1CB Mechanism.

13. Competition in Substitution and Elimination Reactions; S N ane/E1 vs S N 2/E2

I know we all have to deal with this at 1 point.Is it SouthwardNane, SouthN2, E1 or none of these information technology is really E2…?

You lot will notice the quickest way of determining the SNi vs Due southDue north2 and E1 vs E2 competition and a period-nautical chart to figure out the mechanism out of the SouthNorthward1, SNorth2, E1 and E2 combination.Yes, it is possible to summarize in i uncomplicated chart!

Benzylic and Allylic Halides are included every bit well.

14. Reactions of Alkenes

All the reactions of alkenes, starting from the Improver of Hydrogen halide (HX), Hydroboration-Oxidation, Ozonolysis, and all the way to the Simmons–Smith reaction including the mechanism and theregio– and stereochemistry of the reaction where it is applicative.

15. Reactions of Alkynes

Just like for the alkenes, asummary and the mechanisms of all the reactionsincludinghydration, hydrohalogenation, hydroboration, reduction, and oxidative cleavage, plus the acrid-base of operations chemistry of terminal alkynes and their constructed applications.

Organic Chemical science 1 Written report Guides

Organic Chemistry 2 Written report Guides Include

1. Reactions of Alcohols

Outset of all, a nautical chart summarizing the Preparation of Alcohols from carbonyl compounds such as Aldehydes, Ketones, Esters, Acids, and Acid Chloride using LiAlH4, NaBH4, Raney Ni, Pd/C, DIBAL-H, and by the Grignard Reaction.Salvage the time to look them up i-by-1! Additionally, you volition have the summary of preparing alcohols By Addition Reaction to Alkenes and Substitution Reactions.

Oxidation of Alcohols: What to await from the oxidation of chief, secondary, and tertiary alcohols by the most common oxidizing agents such as Na2Cr2O7/ HiiSO4, HiiCrO4, CrOthree/ H+, KMnO4/ -OH/ H+, NaClO/ AcOH.

How toselectively oxidize alcohols to aldehydes usingPCC(Pyridinium Chlorochromate),PDC(Pyridinium Dichromate),Swern(DMSO, (COCl)ii, Et3N), andDMP (Dess-Martin) oxidizing agents.

Alcohols in Commutation and Elimination Reactions. This will cover the reactions where the alcohols are nucleophiles, electrophiles, and bases. All the possibilities of doing substitution and elimination reactions by SDue northii, SouthwardNorthone, E2 and E1 mechanisms. A sum upwards for the approaches forconverting the OH into a good leaving grouping and using it to gear up alkenes pastZaitsev and Hoffman reactions. The use ofSOCltwo, PBr3, POCl3for substitution and elimination of alcohols and finally theProtecting Groups for Alcohols in organic synthesis.

ii. Reactions of Amines and Epoxides

A summary of the well-nigh mutual ways of preparations and reactions of amines.

The Gabriel Synthesis, amination of alkyl halides, reduction of nitrogen-containing derivatives, reaction with aldehydes and ketones, reductive amination, preparation of arene diazonium salts, and more.

A summary of the grooming and reactions of epoxides.

Peroxy acids and halohydrins, ring-opening reactions with stiff and weak nucleophiles. How does the ring open up, where does the nucelopiule get, what happens to the stereochemistry of both carbons when the epoxide is chiral?

Mechanism, regiochemistry, stereochemistry – it's all here.

3. The Diels-Alder Reaction

Diels-Alder reaction summarized in 2 comprehensive pages. This includes the introduction,common cardinal features, the mechanism, the stereochemistry and Regiochemistry of the reaction. TheEndo-Exo products applied for bothcircadian and acyclic dienes (in case y'all go that far in your class). This summary guide will leave no unanswered questions on the Diels-Alder reaction.

4. Reactions of Aromatic Compounds

Electrophilic Aromatic Exchange: the key reactions and alternative approaches to Irresolute the Common Substituents. The Machinery of Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution,the Friedel-Crafts reactions, Activating and Deactivating Groups,Ortho-, Para- and Meta– Positions and Directors. Ortho-, Para- and Meta- in Disubstituted Rings:How to synthesize a di- or tri-substituted benzene ring by adding the groups in thecorrect order. Reactions ofArenediazonium Salt and theLimitations of Electrophilic Effluvious Substitution Reactions – what reactions and strategies practise not work and how to overcome these obstacles.

5. Reactions of Aldehydes and ketones

Nucleophilic Additions to the Carbonyl Group: general consideration of steric and electronic effects. Summary of Mutual Nucleophilic Add-on Reactions including those withwater, alcohols, thiols, and amines. Acetals and hemiacetals andawarding in organic synthesis, reductive amination, The Wittig Reaction,Protecting Groups for Aldehydes and Ketones,Reduction of Aldehydes and Ketones using LiAlH4 NaBH4 Raney Ni, Pt/H2 and DIBAL-H.

Reactions withOrganolithiums andGrignard reagent,one,2- and1,iv-Additions, The Baeyer-Villiger oxidation

vi. Reactions of Carboxylic Acids and Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

This beautiful Summary Guide includes theNucleophilic Acyl Commutation mechanism also referred to as anAddition-Elimination mechanism,the machinery ofFischer esterification.

The reaction of esters such as reversible hydrolysisnether acidic and irreversible hydrolysis nether basic atmospheric condition, transesterification,and all the others with nucleophiles and reducing agents.

You will accept acomprehensive summary of the preparation and all the major reactions ofCarboxylic Acids, Anhydrides, Esters, Acid (acyl) Chlorides, AmidesandNitriles.All the mutual patterns, as well every bit the details for specific reactions for instance with the Grignard reagent and Organocuprates of each derivative, are addressed in the given section.

vii. Alpha Carbon Chemical science: Enols and Enolates

In this 3-page summary of the Alpha carbon chemical science, you will find the key concepts and reactions of enols and enolates such every bit the Thermodynamic and Kinetic Enolates and their most of import reactions. It also summarizes the alkylation and condensation reactions such equally theAldol reaction, theClaisen reaction,Robinson annulation,Stork Enamine synthesis,Malonic Ester Synthesis,Acetoacetic Ester Synthesis,Michael Add-on, and some more.

8. Carbohydrates

A comprehensive, easy-to-follow 2-page summary of the Construction, Stereochemistry, and Key Reactions of carbohydrates. Aldoses, ketoses, treoses, tetroses and etc. Everything about the D and Fifty annotation of sugars and its relationship to the R andS system and optical rotation. Definition of Anomers and Epimers, α- and β-glucose and their representation in cyclic forms. You won't look at the carbohydrates the same way once again!

9. IR Spectroscopy

i. How to Solve IR Problems in 3 steps

IR spectra look crowded and overcomplicated at outset but this summary guide will modify your view on this!

10. NMR Spectroscopy

2. NMR Spectroscopy –five pages that include

  • Chemical Shift andIntegration
  • Number of NMR signals
  • Spin-Spin Splitting (Multiplicity) of the NMR indicate
  • thirteenC NMR Spectroscopy
  • How to Decide the Structure of an Unknown Using1H NMR

These are beautiful, comprehensive, and meticulously written summaries. I spent a week putting together each page that will epitomize and settle all the information you lot get overwhelmed with before you go to the exam.

Chemical shifts, integration, signal-splitting, coupling constants,xiiiC NMR, DEPT, and 2D-NMR all in one place.

In addition, you will become one page of practical steps for solving NMR problems.

Organic Chemistry 2 Study Guides


Your feedback is greatly appreciated!  Whether you are a CS Prime number subscriber or non, please share your thoughts here or in the comments below to help others know virtually the benefits of Chemistry Steps and your experience using it.

April 19, 2022

While the problems are helpful, I find it a little overpriced to have a subscription be 39 dollars and not include all of the study guides as well. Not super fair, and it also was not clear before ownership that they were non included so I assumed I would be getting those too.

Response from Chemistry Steps

The report guides are included in the memberships and tin can be downloaded here:
https://world wide
Additionally, they are used in the hints for many questions in the quizzes, so it is function of the structure to make them available for learning the topics.

Apr 8, 2022



March 30, 2022

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Response from Chemistry Steps

Thank you for the comment. Every bit you can see, there is enough of free content not but to read but also to practice. Unfortunately, everything cannot be free. Nosotros cannot work for free. I spent thousands of hours creating this, and it is non free even for myself, the author, equally I need to pay for hosting, maintenance, and supporting staff. We don't take sponsors and rely only on the support of our students-no ads either.

March 10, 2022

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romain Ndayambaje

February 28, 2022

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Emmanuel Mwamuye

February 23, 2022

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February eleven, 2022



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January 28, 2022

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Jan 25, 2022

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Jan 20, 2022

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January 17, 2022

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Muhammad imtiaz

Response from Chemical science Steps

Thanks, Muhammad!

November 24, 2022

Très intéressant

Mohammed -Z

Oct 22, 2022



October 14, 2022

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October 7, 2022



September iii, 2022

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Kaitlyn Guerra

Response from Chemistry Steps

Thanks, Kaitlyn!

July 12, 2022

Helped me a lot. Definitely recommended!


June fifteen, 2022

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Eswaran Thou

June 12, 2022

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Sarah Moore

Response from Chemistry Steps

Corking to hear from you, Sarah. Cheers for sharing!

June 3, 2022

Knowledge sharing


May 28, 2022

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Response from Chemistry Steps

Delight try using another browser or immigration the cache. The checkout is working fine.

May 24, 2022

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Response from Chemical science Steps

It was good to accept y'all, Dlovan. Thanks for coming dorsum and sharing your experience!

May 5, 2022



May iv, 2022


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April 23, 2022

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March 25, 2022

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Response from Chemistry Steps

Glad to have you joining, Roman.

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Asmik Oganesyan

Response from Chemistry Steps

Thank you very much, Asmik!

March ten, 2022

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Response from Chemistry Steps

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January 31, 2022

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January 22, 2022



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December 17, 2022



December 15, 2022



December 12, 2022

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Dec 12, 2022

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Dec 12, 2022

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Dec 11, 2022

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First-class, in-depth study fabric! Every little item related to the topic is there and concepts are summarized in worked examples.

G. Paoletti

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Organic Chemistry 1 and ii Study Guides

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What To Put On Ochem Cheat Sheet,


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